Monday, 1 December 2014

Get on Up v Interstellar (second viewing with spoilers)



Chadwick Boseman plays James Brown in a story about his life. He sheds light on the artist who was known for his womanizing, who combated personal tragedy and over came drug abuse. He was blind as a bat but could always tell how fit the groupies were by feeling their wrists...wait...I might be thinking of Ray...I am thinking of Ray. Look that's only semi-racist. 

Apparently this script had been sitting on the shelf for ten years. James Brown got his hands on it and didn't rate it at all. That's understandable because he is depicted as an egotistical twat in this flick. He reputedly fined his own band for playing bum notes, he beat on his woman, and he swindled the tax man. But like I've been saying for a log time now, if you can sing, and you can dance, then all is forgiven. Case and point, Michael Jackson. Case and point, Chris Brown.

The films theme is mainly centered around his rise to fame and his personal relationship with life time friend and band member Bobby Byrd. It opens up with a great scene where James Brown is interrogating a group of clients with a shotgun asking 'who gone and laid a brick in my toilet'.

Where the film falls down is Dananananana ACKROYD's cartoon esque performance as Brown's manager. I'm a huge fan of Dananananana ACKROYD's, but he is not very good in this. There is Oscar talk for Chadwick however, and although he may get nominated, he won't win because the film is structurally all over the place.

Tomato Meter - 80% (critics)
Tomato Meter - 74% (audience)
Peter Meter - 82% 

Interstellar (second viewing with spoilers)


Matthew Mahogany is a farmer that knows morse code. I mean come on script writers of the world, lets start thinking this through shall we. 

I have never done a second review before but I saw Interstellar for the second time last night and thought I'd add a few more thoughts. I was emotionally more involved this time around for some reason. Perhaps because I wasn't trying to figure out the science and riddle-ridden dialogue. At one point Mahogany says to his robot counterpart 'Don't you get it Tars, we are thinking 3 dimensionally in their 5 dimensional world.' Fuck the guy who wrote that line. Also I noticed the characters aren't at all rounded and are just their for exposition. Did you give a shit when the beardy man got killed by the giant wave, or the dude got killed by Mat Damon's tricky time bomb?

Also when Mahogany comes back, he doesn't even ask if his son is alive. Not once, and it isn't even mentioned. Also when he is trapped behind the bookcase giving out the morse code for quantum mechanics to Jessica Chastain, why didn't that message read; 'Help I'm behind the fucking bookcase, trapped in a black hole, go get someone. Also has Liverpool won the league since I was away?'

See previous blog for scores. 


My recommended viewing for this week has to be The Apprentice. Its like blinking crack that program and its coming to a head. I'm routing for Daniel because he is easily the biggest blag artist going with no discernible talent whatsoever So WATCH The Apprentice and NOT Get On Up OR Interstellar.

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