Yes is the correct answer to that. If I could afford a porsche I would be driving around in that instead and the thought that I could only afford a tattoo to symbolize my current status, only made me more depressed. I limped into blockbusters, looking for something to take my mind off the world.
So I plucked MARGIN CALL from the stand, it had a picture of Demi Moore on the cover. She is not a naturally good looking woman, but she has an incredibly sexy voice. Mixed in with a fantastic jaw, wonderfully androgynous. If thats your kind of thing.
I got a bag of chips, a meat pie and made my way home.
MARGIN CALL is a film that happens in the space of two days, related in sorts to the imminent crash of the housing market that was to become the beginning of the banking crisis.
A young employee completes a high tech formula that predicts the crisis and all the heads of all the various divisions of the company sit down and chew over the moral complexities of how they can survive the crisis which can only happen by stiffing all their customers and clients in the process.
Now a few things Zachery Quinto (the young employee) has the most manicured eyebrows I have ever seen on a man. I mean had it not been for the performances of the heavyweights around him (Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany and the handsome Demi Moore) then I would have been completely taken out of the movie. There is something going on with mens eyebrows these days.
I have a friend at work whose girlfriend plucks his eyebrows. They look quite ridiculous on a blue collar man and what happened to shaming the metrosexuals? Seriously it's the equivalent of me turning up to a prestigious wine soiree in my high vis jacket and steel toe capped boats, spitting out a swill of the finest sauvignon blanc and saying to the host "Hmmmmm pushy, but yet not assertive."
My friend did confess that his girlfriend dumped him midweek and my immediate thought was good, maybe you can grow your fucking eyebrows back to normal.
I digress. (But seriously, you won't even know who Zachery Quinto is but take a look at the cover of the DVD and you'll know who I'm talking about).
So its very good MARGIN CALL. I did find it quite convenient that none of the major players knew anything about the technical jargon. For example I counted at least 4 people in the film that said the words "Explain this to me in English." A common trope that allows the exposition to be explained to the audience, most of whom will have no clue what is going on. And even after it's explained in English, it's still pretty convoluted.
But Jeremy Irons turns up halfway through and reminds you that he is the tits and should be in every film. Paul Bettany I think is doing something strange with his accent I'm not sure. But he delivers a great speech in the car explaining how the bankers aren't entirely to blame, that a greedy society lives in a bubble of deniability. We are all in debt and its all because we believe we deserve the finer things. (Something like that anyway).
I don't want to give to much away, but its an interesting film, the sort of film Wall Street 2 should have been.
Moving on, this morning I picked up my buddy Rael and we caught the morning show of FRANKENWEENIE at the Braintree Cineworld. It was just us and 3 others in the showing and its quite something. It looks beautiful, there is a wonderful tone to the film and for the second time in a row in the company of men, I wept. The film manipulates emotionally towards the end but you will find yourself unwilling to prevent it. It nods not-so subtly to Burtons previous (and in my opinion, best) monster incarnation, Edward Scissorhands. At times you're almost willing Elfman's Scissorhands score to add that finishing touch. Look out for the cat shitting scene, its genius.
That said it clearly is no Scissorhands so I recommend you watch EDWARD SCISSORHANDS and not MARGIN CALL or FRANKENWEENIE.
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